Monday 7 February 2022

Dubai announces charges on single-use plastic bags from July 1

Dubai will begin charging a fees on plastic bags at shopping locations with an aim of removing them entirely from the city in two years due ...

Dubai will begin charging a fees on plastic bags at shopping locations with an aim of removing them entirely from the city in two years due to the environmental concerns.

Dubai announced the introduction of charge for single-use plastic bags from July 1. Fee will be 25 fils and is a start of process to curb the use of plastic. This might become the most effective way to get people to use less bags. 

The Executive Council on Monday tweeted that from July 1, an amount of 25 fils will be charged for single-use plastic bags at checkout counters in all stores, including restaurants, pharmacies and e-commerce deliveries in Dubai. 

The move is aimed at limiting single-use bags to increase environmental sustainability. As per the policy announced by the Executive Council, a complete ban on plastic covers will be implemented in Dubai within two years.

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